SF, Fantasy & Horror Images
Hardcover Book Illustration

Silver Scream
Painting - Silver Scream
In 1988 I was asked to provide the cover and interior illustrations for a hardcover anthology, Silver Scream, published by Dark Harvest. The book was edited by David J. Schow and featured stories by John M. Ford, Robert Bloch, Clive Barker, Karl Edward Wagner, Robert R. McCammon, and other horror greats.
Indent: dot clear gifThe painting was produced in acrylic on artboard. The skull on the movie screen was added later to a scan of the painting via Photoshop.

Image copyright © 1988 to 2010 by Kevin Davies. All rights reserved.

Original Painting:
The original is still in my possession and is available for sale. It differs from the image shown above: the screen background is yellow-orange and there is no skull on the screen.

Photo Prints are available of Silver Scream:
Professional quality photographic prints in a wide assortment of sizes, plus mounted prints, framed prints, mugs, mousepads, buttons, magnets, and more items can be obtained online at: www.deviantart.com/kevindavies.
Please be advised that the colors of a print reproduction may not exactly match the colors of an image as depicted on a monitor screen, due to the various digital and/or photo-mechanical processes involved in producing it.

Reproduction Rights are available for Silver Scream:
I can supply a hi-res digital file on CD; I can scale to a specific size and save as RGB, CMYK, and tif, eps, psd, pdf, as desired.

Illustration Commissions and Graphic Design Assignments:
I am always willing to consider new illustration commissions and graphic design assignments. Please contact me to discuss the details.

For more information please contact Kevin Davies:

by email: webmail@kevindavies.com

by phone:

Kevin Davies
40 Seymour Avenue
Toronto, Ontario
M4J 3T4, Canada